3 Blogs - 3 Músicas

Como se pode ver ali pela barra lateral já tive outros 2 blogs... Cujo títulos eram baseados em músicas e no que essas músicas significavam para mim na altura. Assim:

Last Goodbye

This is our last goodbye - I hate to feel the love between us die - But its over
Just hear this and then Ill go - You gave me more to live for - More than youll ever know

This is our last embrace - Must I dream and always see your face
Why cant we overcome this wall - Well, maybe its just because I didnt know you at all

Kiss me, please kiss me - But kiss me out of desire, babe, and not consolation
You know it makes me so angry cause I know that in time - Ill only make you cry, this is our last goodbye

Did you say no, this cant happen to me, - And did you rush to the phone to call
Was there a voice unkind in the back of your mind - Saying maybe you didnt know him at all
You didnt know him at all, oh, you didnt know

Well, the bells out in the church tower chime - Burning clues into this heart of mine
Thinking so hard on her soft eyes and the memories - Offer signs that its over... its over

Falling Away

I can't remember when it was good - Moments of happiness elude - Maybe I just misunderstood

All of the love we left behind - Watching the flash backs intertwine - Memories I will never find

So I'll love whatever you become - And forget the reckless things we've done - I think our lives have just begun - I think our lives have just begun

And I'll feel my world crumbling, - And I'll I feel my life crumbling
And feel my soul crumbling away - And falling away, - Falling away with you

Staying awake to chase a dream - Tasting the air you're breathing in - I hope I won't forget a thing
Promise to hold you close and pray - Watching the fantasies decay - Nothing will ever stay the same

And all of the love we threw away - And all of the hopes we've cherished fade
Making the same mistakes again - Making the same mistakes again

And I feel my world crumbling, - And I feel my life crumbling down,
I can feel my soul crumbling away, - And falling away, - Falling away with you

All of the love we left behind - Watching the flash backs intertwine
Memories I will never find - Memories I will never find

Cranborne Road

When you walked in the room - Moving on Vaseline - Coated in petals and fuel - A cover of a magazine

Our bodies came to a halt - Our bodies turned into light - Well, I don't know about you - But I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it tonight

I can picture you knocking on my door - Getting naked in the hallway - But hey!, dressed would be as good - We're like the fish in the sea - We're like the birds and the trees - Don't want to lead - Don't want to follow - I wanna love, love, love, love you tonight


I got a love that no love can break - I got a love that no love can shake

You took a sip through a straw - And a drop fell through your chin - It ran all over the map - Through your heart, through your legs - Through your eyes, through the whiteness of your skin

Yeah, I should be playing it cool - Little, little, little steps - Well, I ain't walking on the moon

We're like fire and cream - We're like cherries and steam - What is right, what is wrong - I don't know - I wanna love, love, love, love you tonight


I got a love that no love can break - It's like a dream from which I'll never wake
I got a love that no love can break - I feel it, it flows, it's burning, my bones
I got a love that no love can break - I got a love that no love can shake
I got a love that no love can break - I feel it, it flows, it's burning, my bones


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

É Para Onde??

Metia algumas pessoas neste autocarro...

Monday, April 28, 2008

It's A Beatiful Lie...

Gosto deste video...

30 Seconds To Mars - It's A Beautiful Lie

It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful it makes me


Hoje de carro ouvi uma música que me ficou no ouvido... Pensei cá para mim: "Pah, esta voz não me é estranha... Parece-me a minha linda e querida Jenny Lewis... Quando ligar o Kanguralho procuro!"
E não é que é mesmo a menina??

Rilo Kiley - Silver Lining

Ps: Já disse que amo muito a Jenny?? Casa comigo pah!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Mental Note

Apanhar o avião para a Madeira a tempo e horas sff!

Lern Yerself Scouse! #1

"How to talk proper in Liverpool!"

Nova rubrica aqui em Cranborne Road! Assim quem for conhecer meninas bonitas de Liverpool já tem como falar com elas e nunca meter os pés pelas mãos!

Vamos começar exactamente por frase que envolvam a arte do acasalamento...

- "Lookid dthee aahrse on dthat!!"
Have you noticed the anatomical distribution of that female's behind?

- "Get yer keks off luv" (Bom sinal quando se está para dizer esta!)
Please remove your panties my dear...

- "Awright girl?"
Good day madam or Did you experience an orgasm?

- "Tored the toffees offer"
I had sexual intercourse with that woman

- "Dijja gerra blimp?"
Did you manage to peek up that girl's skirt?

- " Eez a shirtlifter"
He is attrated to members of his own sex

E já estão meia dúzia de frases típicas... Quando menos esperarem, outras 6 cá estarão!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oh Will I Ever Learn...

Jeff Buckley - Lover, You Should've Come Over

Looking out the door i see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners
Parading in a wake of sad relations as their shoes fill up with water
And maybe i'm too young to keep good love from going wrong
But tonight you're on my mind so you never know

When i'm broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed it
Where are you tonight, child you know how much i need it
Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run

Sometimes a man gets carried away, when he feels like he should be having his fun
And much too blind to see the damage he's done
Sometimes a man must awake to find that really, he has no-one

So i'll wait for you... and i'll burn
Will I ever see your sweet return
Oh will I ever learn

Oh lover, you should've come over
'Cause it's not too late

Lonely is the room, the bed is made, the open window lets the rain in
Burning in the corner is the only one who dreams he had you with him
My body turns and yearns for a sleep that will never come

It's never over, my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder
It's never over, all my riches for her smiles when i slept so soft against her
It's never over, all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter
It's never over, she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever

Well maybe i'm just too young
To keep good love from going wrong

Oh... lover, you should've come over
'Cause it's not too late

Well I feel too young to hold on
And i'm much too old to break free and run
Too deaf, dumb, and blind to see the damage i've done
Sweet lover, you should've come over
Oh, love well i'm waiting for you

Lover, you should've come over
'Cause it's not too late

Isto É Lindo Pah!!

Brilhante... Quer não souber inglês fique-se pelas fotos e tente reconhecer quem é...

Retirado de The Evil Beet

Um, so, this is kind of a moment where I should pick up the phone and call my boss and be like, “Um … is it okay if I run photos of Emma Watson’s vagina?” Because, like, I’ve kind of gotten in all sorts of trouble for this sort of thing lately.

But I love you guys above all else, and I really think it’s important you have the opportunity to see Emma Watson’s vagina. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?

And you know what’s even better? (And what my management will be very, very happy to hear?)


Emma hit the town in London this weekend to celebrate her 18th birthday, and, on her way out of the club, gave us a real gift. If this had happened a week ago, I would be HELPLESS here! Helpless, and screaming, and crying, and sitting on these photos and TOTALLY UNABLE TO RUN THEM!!! But today, oh, today I can run them. Thank you to Emma Watson’s parents for conceiving her precisely when they did.

Uncensored photos of Emma’s naughty bits are after the jump. Download them to your computer now, before I start getting angry phone calls from the Powers That Be. I’m like that neglected little child who figures negative attention is at least some attention. Like, they’re gonna be mad, but at least they’ll be paying attention to me!!!

Oh, I am gonna get in so much trouble for this.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

F1 Vs. Futebol

Não digo que 2 milhões de euros sejam demais ou de menos. A verdade é que durante 2 anos um português esteve a fazer publicidade ao turismo de Portugal, subiu ao pódio (em circunstâncias estranhas é verdade, mas subiu!) e levou o nome de Portugal a milhões e milhões de telespectadores.
E no futebol? A construção de estádios como o do Algarve, Leiria e Aveiro? Valores bem mais elevados do que 2 milhões para quê? Para agora estarem às moscas? Um deles nem futebol tem, outro está ás moscas com um clube na 2ª divisão e outro nem completo está, com um edifício em estrutura por terminar! Não digo que o Euro2004 não tenha sido bom para Portugal, mas que foi muito dinheiro deitado fora foi... Bem mais do que 2 milhões que serviram para se ter um português num desporto dos mais vistos do mundo durante dois anos...

Noticia do Público:
Estado deu dois milhões de euros para ter Tiago Monteiro na F1
19.04.2008 - 00h18 Paulo Curado
Dois milhões de euros foi quanto custou ao Governo a participação de Tiago Monteiro na Fórmula 1 (F1). A falta de alguns dos patrocinadores que iriam suportar a participação do piloto nos Campeonatos do Mundo de 2005 e 2006, obrigou o Estado a disponibilizar directamente o montante em falta, face aos compromissos assumidos pelos executivos de Santana Lopes e José Sócrates junto da Jordan (que passou a designar-se Midland).

O Governo de Sócrates responsabiliza o anterior pelas promessas feitas ao desportista de “apoio incondicional”, que acabaram por condicionar a sua actuação neste processo, mas Edmar Monteiro, pai e representante do atleta, revelou que todos os documentos de garantia foram assinados livremente pelos actuais responsáveis.

“Todas as garantias feitas à Jordan [2005] e à Midland [2006] foram apresentadas pelo actual Governo. Assumiu por escrito e assinou”, garantiu Edmar Monteiro ao PÚBLICO, revelando ter recebido, logo após a tomada de posse deste executivo (12 de Março de 2005), o “apoio incondicional a este projecto, tanto do primeiro-ministro, como do ministro da Presidência [Pedro Silva Pereira] e do secretário de Estado do Desporto [Laurentino Dias]”. Este último responsável terá mesmo “assumido a gestão de todo o processo”, segundo indicou o pai e representante do piloto português.

Uma informação desmentida ontem ao PÚBLICO por Laurentino Dias. “Não cumpre ao Governo fazer a gestão negocial de Tiago Monteiro e foi ele quem negociou com as duas equipas”, referiu o responsável pela pasta do Desporto, admitindo ter apenas apresentado junto das equipas de F1 “uma carta de conforto” a manifestar o apoio ao atleta: “Assumi acompanhá-lo nos compromissos necessários e, naturalmente, dei-lhe uma carta de cumprimento de compromisso, que renovei quando ele transitou da Jordan para a Midland. Se ele esteve na F1, é porque alguém assumiu os compromissos.”

Laurentino Dias lembrou ainda que quando assumiu a pasta do desporto, a participação do piloto no Mundial já era um facto consumado, face aos compromissos assumidos pelos seus antecessores. “Já era piloto de F1 e tinha corrido em duas provas [Grande Prémio (GP) da Austrália, a 6 de Março de 2005, e da Malásia, a 20 de Março] e para se manter nessa competição precisou do apoio do Governo português: foi esta a situação com que me deparei”, referiu, lembrando as consequências gravosas que acarretaria o não cumprimento do contratualizado: “Havia consequências jurídicas gravíssimas para o piloto, para a equipa, para os próprios patrocinadores que já se tinham envolvido no projecto e para a própria imagem do Estado português.”

Os dois milhões de euros atribuídos pelo Instituto do Desporto de Portugal (IDP), ao abrigo de um contrato-programa estabelecido entre este organismo e Edmar Monteiro, na qualidade de representante legal do piloto, assinado em 1 de Agosto de 2006 (após despacho de Laurentino Dias de 27 de Julho do mesmo ano), foram creditados na conta do grupo inglês CSS Stellar, que gere a carreira de Tiago Monteiro desde 2005 (representa também o Chelsea, a selecção inglesa e o antigo piloto de F1, Juan Pablo Montoya, entre outros). Uma verba que Laurentino garantiu ter sido “a única e a última” adiantada directamente pelo Estado para custear estes dois anos de presença portuguesa no Mundial de pilotos: “Não tenho conhecimento de existirem mais verbas em falta, tendo já passado dois anos, sem ninguém reclamar nada.”

Um processo conturbado

Este acabou por ser o desfecho de um longo e desgastante processo, iniciado ainda em Novembro de 2004, quando Tiago Monteiro começou contactos com o então secretário de Estado do Desporto Hermínio Loureiro, para acordar a intermediação do Governo junto de empresas tuteladas pelo Estado, para a viabilização financeira da sua participação no Mundial de F1 de 2005. Os contactos iniciaram-se imediatamente, com a grande generalidade das empresas abordadas a manifestarem grande interesse em participar.

“Na altura, perante esta situação e atendendo à importância do projecto, contactei várias empresas, sensibilizando-as para a oportunidade de mostrar e potenciar as suas marcas num mercado importante como é o da F1. Obtive resposta positiva da Galp, após contactos com o engenheiro Ferreira do Amaral”, esclareceu Hermínio Loureiro, ex-secretário de Estado do Desporto, no Governo de Santana Lopes, e actual presidente da Liga de clubes de futebol, sublinhando que “nunca foram utilizadas verbas do erário público” durante o tempo em que esteve ligado ao projecto.

Também o Ministério do Turismo tentou disponibilizar apoios para viabilizar a presença (já efectiva) de Tiago Monteiro na F1, com Telmo Correia, que ocupava na altura a pasta, a enviar o processo, a 18 de Fevereiro de 2005, para apreciação do Instituto de Turismo de Portugal, referindo o interesse “óbvio” de um eventual apoio financeiro. “Foi um pedido normalíssimo, como houve em outras situações envolvendo desportistas e até pilotos”, justificou Telmo Correia: “Um português na F1 teria um claro interesse para promover a marca Portugal, mas não condicionei qualquer decisão.”

Monday, April 21, 2008

blink 182 - Stay Together For The Kids

Stay Together For The Kids

It's hard to wake up
When the shades have been pulled shut
This house is haunted
It's so pathetic
It makes no sense at all.
I'm ripe with things to say
The words rot and fall away.
If a stupid poem could fix this home
I'd read it every day.

So here's your holiday
Hope you enjoy it this time
You gave it all away
It was mine
So when you're dead and gone
Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost.
It's not right

Their anger hurts my ears
Been running strong for seven years
Rather than fix the problems, they never solve them
It makes no sense at all
I see them every day
We get along so why can't they?
If this is what he wants and this is what
she wants
Then why is there so much pain?

So here's your holiday
Hope you enjoy it this time
You gave it all away
It was mine
So when you're dead and gone
Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost
It's not right

So here's your holiday
Hope you enjoy it this time
You gave it all away
It was mine
So when you're dead and gone
Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost
It's not right x4

Indy Racing League + Danica Patrick

1ª vitória de uma mulher na IRL. Em Motegui, Japão, Danica Patrick vence pela 1ª vez uma corrida!

Ai ai Danica... Swimsuit 2008 SI - Danica Patrick

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Bank Job

Philip Lisle: Your documentations and guarantees. If I were you, I'd keep them in a very safe place.
Terry Leather: Yeah, well it very well won't be a safety deposit box.

Filme bem castiço... Não admira, um filme que nos primeiros 10 minutos, 7 são preenchidos por belos seios desnudos tem que ser um belo filme!! :D

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Vamos entrar em obras para tentar dar uns retoques no template.
Lamentamos o incómodo que possamos causar!

Update: Não consegui fazer o que queria fazer... Que se joda!
Update2: Mudei o Template! :D

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Cranborne Road Murder...

Cranborne Road é uma zona de mistério e de suspense... Chamem por favor o Poirrot...

One of the biggest arguments against a death penalty is that innocent people have been hanged in the past. We only have to think of individuals such as Timothy Evans, Derek Bentley and Hussein Mattan, to name but a few who were hanged, but later posthumously pardoned. In the judicial hall of infamy there are numerous examples of gross miscarriages of justice such as the Birmingham Six, the Guildford Four, Sheila Bowler, Stefan Kiszko; the list goes on and on. In Liverpool in the early 1950s, two young men were hanged for a murder in the Wavertree area, and local criminologist Keith Andrews believes the duo were innocent of the crime. First, here are the facts regarding this controversial murder case.
On the Sunday evening of 19th August 1951, a widow in her early fifties named Beatrice Alice Rimmer, left her son's house in Madryn Street, Toxteth. The time was 9.45 p.m., and Mrs Rimmer walked to the bus stop on High Park Street, accompanied by her son Thomas. In her gloved hands, Mrs Rimmer carried a bunch of flowers and an umbrella. The widow soon boarded a Number 27 bus that took her to Lodge Lane, where she stepped down from the vehicle outside the Pavilion Theatre. Mrs Rimmer then walked down Smithdown Road to her home at Number 7 Cranborne Road, arriving home around 10.10 p.m.
On the following day, Thomas Rimmer travelled to his mother's house, but before he reached the front door, Mrs Rimmer's neighbour, Jack Grossman, approached Thomas and drew his attention to the milk bottle on the front doorstep. It had been there since around six in the morning. Thomas Rimmer hammered on the door of his mother's house to no avail, so he looked through the letterbox and was alarmed to see what looked like a bundle of clothes behind the front door. Thomas went to the back of the house and climbed over the wall. The bottom kitchen window pane had been broken, yet strangely, Thomas noted that the glass shards were on the floor of the yard, outside the house. He climbed in through the broken window and found his mother in a large pool of clotted blood, just behind the front door. The umbrella was looped around her wrist and the bunch of flowers lay beside the corpse. The widow had died from an extremely violent attack that had left her with fifteen wounds. The police were baffled by the motive behind the crime, because nothing had been taken from the house, and even the gas meter was untouched. A police investigation was launched with teams of detectives working round the clock, but Liverpool Police soon reached a dead end - until Chief Superintendent Herbert Balmer suddenly claimed that a man serving time for a burglary at Walton Prison had told him who had committed the Cranborne Road murder: they were two Mancunian men; George Alfred Burns, aged 21, and 22-year-old Edward Devlin. The police alleged that Burns and Devlin had been half-way through a burglary in Manchester when they decided to travel to Liverpool to break into Mrs Rimmer's home. Old, minute bloodstains found on the coat belonging to one of the men was cited as evidence - even though it was not of the same blood-group as Mrs Rimmer. It was in fact blood from a fight in a pub. Rose Heilbron defended the Manchester men at their trial and told the jury that the evidence against Burns and Devlin was circumstantial - no one had seen them enter or leave the house. All the same, the two men were hanged in April 1952 at Walton Prison. Keith Andrews believes the real killer of Mrs Rimmer lived locally and knew the murder victim. 'Fifty years ago, two young men were, in my opinion, framed for the murder of Mrs Rimmer. I believe that even at this late stage, the identity of the true killer can still be uncovered,' says Keith, who is now researching the Cranborne Road murder.

Mais informações: Cranborne Road Murder

Thursday, April 17, 2008

North Korea

Vi esta semana uma reportagem sobre uma ONG que foi à Coreia do Norte fazer centenas de operações às cataratas. O que me espantou foi a loucura das pessoas que após, e passe a redundância, verem que realmente vêem em vez de ir agradecer aos médicos foram feitas loucas agradecer e chorar em frente das fotos dos lideres!

Achei surreal! E além de várias histórias surreais sobre a Coreia do Norte contadas pelos próprios médicos, lembrei-me de uma página com fotos tiradas "meio às escondidas" sobre a Coreia do Norte.

Após alguma procura consegui encontrar!

Vale mesmo a pena!

A Trip To North Korea

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Editors - Push Your Head Towards The Air

Now don't drown in your tears babe
Push your head toward the air
Now don't drown in your tears babe
I will always be there

Last FM

Este gráfico é uma coisa gira que se pode encontrar pelo Last Fm. Mais de 50% do que oiço é ou indie, ou indie-rock o que parece muito limitado, mas ao mesmo tempo não sou nem muito nem pouco open minded... Sou um gajo que gosta do que tem que gostar!

By the way, tenho achado o Last Fm estranho, porque não me actualiza as musicas que tenho ouvido...

Além disso este template também não me está a deixar muito contente... Já estou destreinado nestas cenas de html e o carai!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cranborne Road

Bem vindos!
O que esperar deste meu regresso com uma cara lavada?
Mais do mesmo e menos do costume!
Música, Filmes, Automóveis e Gajas...

Welcome To Cranborne Road

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Map Of The Problematic

Map of the Problematique

Fear and panic in the air
I want to be free
From desolation and despair
And I feel like everything I saw
Is being swept away
And I refuse to let you go

I can't get it right
Get it right
Since I met you

Loneliness be over
When will this loneliness be over?

Life will flash before my eyes
So scattered and lost
I want to touch the other side
And no one thinks they are to blame
Why can't we see
That when we bleed we bleed the same

I can't get it right
Get it Right Since I met you

Loneliness be over
When will this loneliness be over?
Loneliness be over
When will this loneliness be over?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welcome To Cranborne Road

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