Isto É Lindo Pah!!

Brilhante... Quer não souber inglês fique-se pelas fotos e tente reconhecer quem é...

Retirado de The Evil Beet

Um, so, this is kind of a moment where I should pick up the phone and call my boss and be like, “Um … is it okay if I run photos of Emma Watson’s vagina?” Because, like, I’ve kind of gotten in all sorts of trouble for this sort of thing lately.

But I love you guys above all else, and I really think it’s important you have the opportunity to see Emma Watson’s vagina. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?

And you know what’s even better? (And what my management will be very, very happy to hear?)


Emma hit the town in London this weekend to celebrate her 18th birthday, and, on her way out of the club, gave us a real gift. If this had happened a week ago, I would be HELPLESS here! Helpless, and screaming, and crying, and sitting on these photos and TOTALLY UNABLE TO RUN THEM!!! But today, oh, today I can run them. Thank you to Emma Watson’s parents for conceiving her precisely when they did.

Uncensored photos of Emma’s naughty bits are after the jump. Download them to your computer now, before I start getting angry phone calls from the Powers That Be. I’m like that neglected little child who figures negative attention is at least some attention. Like, they’re gonna be mad, but at least they’ll be paying attention to me!!!

Oh, I am gonna get in so much trouble for this.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


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